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Not all floral foams are created equal.

“Oasis” is not a brick of foam.

“Oasis” is not the general term for floral foam.

OASIS® Floral Foam is a brand – the first and leading floral foam brand in the world.

Safety of OASIS® Floral Foam

Is OASIS® Floral Foam dangerous?

  • No, it is not dangerous.
  • OASIS® Floral Foam is safe and not considered a health or physical hazard.
  • OASIS® Floral Foam is an article, which is generally defined as a manufactured item that does not release or result in exposure to a hazardous chemical under normal conditions of use.

Handling and Storing OASIS® Floral Foam

  • OASIS® Floral Foam does not require gloves during use and is not considered a skin irritant.
  • OASIS® Floral Foam does not have any special safety requirements for storage.
  • OASIS® Floral Foam does not affect the air in a warehouse or shop and does not require additional ventilation.

How should a consumer dispose of OASIS® Floral Foam?

  • When someone is ready to dispose of OASIS® Floral Foam, they should dispose of it in accordance with local regulations.
  • Disposal sources may include local landfill or incineration facilities.

General Information on Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

  • SDSs are documents required by GHS rules and are intended for chemical substances and mixtures.
  • Floral foam is an article.
    • This means that it does not result in exposure to a hazardous chemicals under normal conditions of use.
    • Because our floral foam is an article (and not a chemical substance or mixture), an SDS is not legally required.
  • Our current SDSs follow and comply with the current GHS guidelines by country.

If SDSs are not required, why do we have them for floral foam?

  • Smithers-Oasis cares about our customers and the planet 
  • We are dedicated to being transparent 
  • Although an SDS is not required for floral foam, we understand that floral designers and consumers consider an SDS to be a “best practice” when providing information about a product they use

Why are there multiple SDSs?

  • Product-specific SDSs align with the market expectations and changes in general standards.
  • Types of foams, material formulations, and associated performance claims have become more complex.
  • Product-specific SDSs support specific marketing claims.
  • A single SDS for all OASIS® Floral Foams would indicate all of our floral foams are the same, which is not true.

OASIS® Floral Foam SDSs

  • Our SDSs are specific to our products.
  • SDSs for OASIS® Floral Foams do not cross over to other floral foam brands, meaning an OASIS® Floral Foam SDS is not a general document for all types of floral foam.

What are key things to look for on an SDS for OASIS® Floral Foam?

  • There are 16 sections in an SDS.
  • The section titles and content are self-explanatory.
  • The following slides will point out key areas.